How To Preserve Your Produce

Speedometer Recalibration

Do you have a flourishing garden with too much produce to possibly be able to eat at once? I sure do! This year my husband and I planted a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Even though it feels like we have been eating this produce fresh on the daily, as well as incorporating it into our every meal, we still have so much to spare! That is why we are on a quest to preserve what’s left in a variety of different ways. If you want to do that yourself, perhaps you will benefit from the following list.

One great way to preserve both fruits and vegetables alike is to freeze them! Believe it or not, freezing can leave you with the maximum nutrients from your harvest, and they will be in their optimal color, texture, and flavor—as long as they are picked at the right time.

Another great idea would be to can them. This is great for things with high water content, like tomatoes and peaches. Just makes sure that you use clean jars and new seal lids, as well as the proper boiling process to ensure that the cans are well sealed.

Pickling is another good way to keep your produce from going to waste. Make sure that when you pickle your fruits and veggies, you only use disease-free ones and wash them thoroughly beforehand!

You can also make jams and jellies out of your extra fruits, and even vegetables! The sweetest, freshest fruit makes the best jelly. If you have low acid fruits, you may want to add some lemon juice. Also, don’t change up the sugar amounts in recipes. Sugar helps in preserving and gelling the fruits.

The same way that preserving fruits and vegetables can allow you to use them for a longer period of time and prevent putting them to waste, this can apply to other things in life as well including clothing, furniture, cars, and even homes. The more we take care of these things, the longer they will last us and the better they will look and operate. Take cars, for example. If you perform regular maintenance on them—big, like tire changes, and small, like speedometer recalibration—your car will work better and much longer. It is important that you turn to the right companies to perform things like speedometer recalibration and other repairs, though. After all, regular maintenance and speedometer calibration is great, but only if done by experienced and professional hands. A quality repair shop you can turn to for speedometer recalibration is Safety Restore.

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